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    In an effort to provide you with better access to information on the brands you use we’ve updated our Marketing Materials pages. Some highlights:

    Our Marketing Materials Pages Are Now Mobile Ready

    Manufacture Marketing Material navigation.

    We’ve noticed that more and more of our customers are accessing our website through their phone or tablet. As a result, we’re always looking for new ways to make our website more mobile-friendly. Icon images are larger making them easier to see on your phone.

    We've Added How-to, and Product Information Videos

    Corken video playlist.

    Want to know how to maintain and repair a Corken regenerative turbine pump? We have a video for that. Wondering what the new Empire log set looks when lit? We have several videos for that. If a manufacture has a YouTube page, we’re sharing their videos on our website.

    We've Given Each Manufacture Their Own Page

    Three mobile phones showing the Tarantin website.

    This makes it easier to find the information sheet, or video you’re looking for. No more scrolling through miles of icons for the information you’re looking for. You can easily get to the information you’re looking for because each manufacture is featured in the website’s main navigation.




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