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    Bobtail Maintenance: Get Ready for Winter!

    Image of a man doing bobtail maintenance

    When this time of year comes around I like to suggest to customers with bobtails that they check a couple of things before they get busy. Bobtail maintenance before it gets cold can mean the difference between an easy winter and a winter of fixing problems when you need your bobtail the most. Here are 5 necessary steps to winter prep your bobtail.

    Bobtail Maintenance - Step 1

    Inspect the PTO shaft. See if there is any slack in the u-joints and carrier bearing. Make sure the joints and the pump have been greased. If you see any problems with the PTO shaft have it repaired as soon as possible.

    Bobtail Maintenance - Step 2

    Check the strainer on the meter. Having a strainer that is stopped up will slow the flow rate down. If it is clogged up, clean or replaces it. When doing this make sure the pressure has been released safely. Inspect the delivery hose closely for cuts, gouges or places where the inner fabric may be showing. If you think it is questionable, replace it!  No need to take chances.

    Bobtail Maintenance - Step 3

    While checking everything on the rear, inspect the hose reel chain. A lot of times the chain will stretch and you will not be able to tighten it. If it has stretched too much then replace the chain. It is not a bad idea to keep a spare one on hand.

    Bobtail Maintenance - Step 4

    Check the rubber bonnet on top of the hose reel switch. They will crack and/or come apart. This bonnet can be easily replaced.

    Bobtail Maintenance - Step 5

    Don't forget to perform a creep test and a remote shut down test. It is a good idea to keep a spare battery for the transmitter in the truck.

    Following these 5 steps will ensure that your bobtail will run well throughout the winter with little hassle and add to its life saving you money in the long run.

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