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    The Crusher

    Recycling Press for LP Gas Cylinders

    Let's face it. Steel is not forever. Over time your steel propane cylinders will rust causing them to no longer be safe for field use.

    So how do you dispose of these rusty useless cylinders? Well, you could cut them in half and send them off to the recycling plant, but that's a dangerous task that leaves you with a lot of metal taking up a lot of space. If you could flatten those cylinders you could store more tanks in a smaller space. If you could do it safely and efficiently well that would just be a bonus, right?

    We recently came across a machine that can flatten rusty old cylinders, and it only requires one person to operate. Behold! The Crusher!

    The Crusher.

    This highly efficient machine can crush up to 200 cylinders in 8 hours! If you get the heavy-duty version, it can crush 500 cylinders in 8 hours! Just slide the tank horizontally into the Crusher, press the button to start the hydraulics and the cylinder is flat as a pancake in minutes. Watch how simple the process is in our video. Its compact design makes it ideal for companies that have more than one plant, because it is easily transported.

    Simple to assemble and no certification required to operate. The Crusher is the machine that will change the way you dispose of your old cylinders.

    Call us at 800.922.0724 and

    Turn this...

    Large intact cylinder.

    Into this!

    Crushed cylinder.


    The Facts

    The standard Crusher.

    Standard Version:

    • Part #: MSCP-200C
    • Crushes up to 200 cylinders in an 8 hour period
    • Crushes cylinders up to 100 lbs
    • Two step crushing process
    • Only one operator required
    • Safe and easy to use

    The heavy duty Crusher.

    Heavy Duty Version:

    • Part #: MSCP-500C
    • Crushes up to 500 cylinders in an 8 hour period
    • Crushes cylinders up to 100 lbs
    • One step crushing process
    • Only one operator required
    • Safe and easy to use

    Industrial Crusher available upon request

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