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    Do I Need a 1st Stage Regulator For Every Tank or Just One

    The simple answer is no, you do not need a regulator for every tank. There could be an installation where multiple regulators are needed to complete the job, but on most installations one 1st stage regulator in the tank is all that is needed. Based on the application you will need to install an additional regulator at the house where the gas line goes into the house (see diagram 1).

    You may also have an installation where one gas line is going to the house and another is going to an additional appliance like a generator, or a pool heater. On that installation you could put a tee in the gas line after the 1st stage regulator, or add another 1st stage regulator.

    All of these options are going to depend on the amount of BTU’s, length of gas line, and the size of the gas line that you’re using. Before installing any regulators, gas line, or gas appliance check with the local codes and manufactures installation instructions. Most importantly, gas equipment should always be installed by a qualified installer.

    First stage regulator diagram.

    Order parts online

    1. First Stage Regulators
    2. Second Stage Regulators
    3. Pigtails
    4. Multivalves



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