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    Bringing a Vaporizer Online

    -Featuring Rick Gladding-

    Rick Gladding walks us through how to bring a vaporizer online.


    We’re out today bringing an Algas SDI XPV 5-5 vaporizer online today. We have our equipment set up and running. We have our machine to test our mixes, we need to deliver about 1400 btu’s of gas. Over on the other side we have a 120/60 Algas Vaporizer delivering propane for another operation in the facility. We’re also running a flare stack to allow us to check our mixes as well as check the complete operation of the unit. We have a pump backup system to provide the 65 to 75 psi of gas in cold weather required to run the mixer. You can actually hear the venturi’s running. It’s drawing in air as propane comes in and mixes the mixture into the tank which is down below. When the tank pressure drops it will open up and you can hear the venturi’s.


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