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    7 Steps to the Best Pump Station Design

    7 Steps to the Best Pump Station Design

    1. Choose the proper size tank for the operation, with a 1000 gallon tank for a large industrial motor fueling or a 500 gallon tank for a small 20 LB. refilling.
    2. Always use a tank with a bottom withdrawal, preferably a new one. If a used tank is to be used, remove as many heavy ends as possible.
    3. Size the pump to the operation. Try to consider future expansion. If a meter is to be used, be sure to use a large enough pump, such as a Corken C12 or larger C13 or C14.
    4. Couple the pump to an external by-pass, DO NOT rely on an internal by-pass on the pump.
    5. If a meter is to be used be sure it is designed for the operation. Use Liqua-Tech LPM102 or Liquid Controls MA4.
    6. Piping should be the same size as your pumps and meters, never smaller. Schedule 80 pipe and Type K copper tubing is required.
    7. Safety is a major consideration. Be sure a fire extinguisher and proper warnings and decals are used.

    A 8685G RegO Tank Relief Valve
    B 7590U RegO Chek-Lok Valve
    C   5/8" O.D. Tubing
    D   3/8" O.D. Tubing
    E TS Tank Stand
    F A3209DT080 Internal Valve w/ Cable & Fuse Link
    G 3127U RegO Bypass Valve Corken B-166-75 w/ Hydro Relief
    H   1½“ x 1¼“ Bushing
    I 090534-100 Liqua-Tech Flowmeter
    J 3127U RegO Hydro Relief
    K 3272 Excess Flow Valve
    L A2141A6 or A2141A6L RegO Pullaway Valve
    M   2" Pipe Runner (Optional)
    N N260-10 Strainer
    O FLX1-1/4-12 Flex Connector
    P TPMP Pump Plate
    Q C12-SM Corken Pump
    S   Dayco Hose
    T 7901TB RegO Quick Acting Valve
    U 7193D-10 RegO Filler Coupling
    V 7556 RegO Multi-Valve
    W 7579 RegO Filler Valve
    X 600115 1/2" F.S. Coupling
    Y 3171A Hose Coupling
    Z BG-201 POL Adapter


    Contact us at 800.922.0724 for further help in designing the best possible system for your operation.


    Fill out our online Pump Station Quote Form.

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