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    Whatever You Qrave

    Written by Steve Watson

    Broilmaster Qrave

    Most gas grills are designed to be fast. However, in order to get that traditional barbecue flavor, sometimes you need to slow things down a bit. You need three things in order to achieve that barbecue flavor. You need low temperatures, lots of moisture, and a long cooking time. Broilmaster’s Qrave Grill gives you that option.

    Unlike other grills, the Qrave’s thick aluminum casting maintains a consistent cooking temperature all day and all night. The stainless steel drip pan eliminates flare-ups so you can spend more time with your guests and less time lifting the lid to check on your food. Excess fat and fluid drain out of the grill to the external drip bucket. The Qrave gives you four different cooking options to choose from.

    Slow Cooking

    Two chickens being slowed cooked on a grill.

    When slow roasting, the stainless steel drip pan gives you a barrier between your food and the fire below. The Qrave creates a convection effect to help you cook food uniformly. The drippings that would normally fall into the fire and cause flare-ups instead land on the drip pan and evaporate into flavorful steam and smoke. A center channel in the pan directs excess fat and marinade to a drain valve. You are able to control the number of drippings in the pan by opening or closing the valve. Pour in a couple of beers, soft drinks, or fruit juice to add flavor to roast, game, or fowl.


    Vegetables being steamed on a grill.

    In order to steam, close the valve on the drip pan and fill it with water. Then, set the burner to high for vegetables, crab legs, and other foods. The pan will hold more than a gallon of water or other liquids. The high capacity of the pan will help maintain the desired temperature and add moisture to the cooking process. Try adding seasonings to the water. It’ll make your fish, corn, or other vegetables more flavorful.


    Three steaks being smoked on a grill.

    A slide-out tray allows you to monitor or add wood chips or pellets without opening the cooker’s lid. The tray is positioned just above one end of the burner to ensure consistent heat and smoke.



    Steaks and vegetables being grilled.

    Unlike most slow cookers, your Qrave can still do what your normal gas grill will do. It will sear burgers, steaks, chicken, and more.

    Get a Broilermaster Qrave and truly enjoy your summer. Whether that means slow cooking for a family get together or just grilling up a quick meal.


    Salesman Steve Watson

    Steve Watson

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