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    Adjusting Bypass on a Smith Pump

    -Featuring Bobby Fisher-

    Tarantin Sales Rep Bobby Fisher and Sammy McRoberts from Five Star Propane demonstrate how to adjust a bypass on a Smith Pump.

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    Image of a tool used to adjust bypass.

    Good morning. We're here with Sammy McRoberts at Five Star Propane. We're going to be showing you today how to adjust a bypass on a Smith Pump. Just keep in mind that the Smith Pump is the EG1Z model that we're going to be doing today. It has 90 pounds of differential pressure. If you're doing something like a Corken C10 or C12, it gives off about 60 pounds of differential. If you're unsure, check with your manufacturer instructions on the pump or just give us a call at Tarantin and we'll be glad to help you with that. We're going to be using a tool today, we have a piece here that we use to help the operator check the pressure at the tank so you don't have to keep coming back and looking at the pressure on the gauge on the face of the pump. You can do it all from one end with this piece of equipment. We list the parts below in case you want to buy one and use it for yourself.

    Image of the chart to use in our catalog.

    It's a real crisp morning this morning in the Carolinas. It's about 26 degrees Fahrenheit. In the RegO Serviceman's Manual (that you can get from your sales rep or just call anyone at Tarantin or download a pdf at our website), it shows the Vapor Pressures of LP-Gases. You can see that if it's 30 degrees we should have 51.6 pressure in the propane. Also, you can look in the new Tarantin catalog (which is also available now, a salesperson should bring it by to you or you can download a pdf version from our website). On page 67 there is all kinds of charts here. The one for propane is at the bottom right which will tell you that same information.

    Image of the tool in use.

    Let's get started. Sammy hooks up the tester. We're going to run the product back into the tank. Always make sure you introduce vapor to your propane pump first, and then liquid. We've already been pumping cylinders here this morning so we've already have that taken care of. When Sammy opens the lever we're going to see what the pressure is. That's the sweet-beauty of this adapter, you can check the pressure inside the tank. We're running right about 90 pounds of pressure. We're going to turn the pump on now to get a little bit of product circulating through. We should be getting about 90 pounds of differential pressure. We're letting products circulate through the pump. It's coming back into the nurse tank. When Sammy cuts this lever off you'll see dial raise up to about 90 pounds of differential pressure from what it is now and the pump will be in bypass mode. You'll see that it's gone to about 160 pounds of differential, which is about right. If he wanted to test it again he could open up the valve and go into the flow so the product flows back into the tank. Now if you need to do an adjustment at this point you can go back and turn your bypass clockwise to increase the pressure or counter-clockwise to decrease the pressure.

    Order this Tarantin Exclusive Tool online

    Link to the RegO Serviceman's Manual

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