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    Going Green With Propane

    Written by Doug Rowan

    It seems every year more and more equipment is being manufactured or converted to run on propane. The truth is there is about a 20-30% increase every year in propane equipment. This increase doesn’t only come from conversions, there are manufacturers that have OEM vehicles coming off the assembly line that run on propane. Here are some reasons to go green.

    • Over 17 million gallons of toxic gasoline is spilled every year.
    • Gasoline exhaust creates up to 70% more hydrocarbons than propane.
    • 5% of all air pollution comes from small gasoline powered engines.
    • 1 hour of small engine gasoline use is equivalent to 350 Auto miles.
    • 1 small gasoline engine creates up to 87 lbs of CO2 per year.

    Now that you can see how toxic gasoline can be let’s take a look at how great propane can be as an alternative.

    • Propane is approved as a clean alternative fuel by the EPA and the California air resources board.
    • Propane oil lasts over twice as long due to the fact that is has fewer hydrocarbons and doesn’t get contaminated.
    • Propane has an average octane rating of around 105.
    • You will have more engine life, increased performance, and less maintenance.
    • No chance of spillage.
    • Pilferage – no chance of fuel theft.
    • No fuel contamination.
    • No ethanol to worry about.

    Propane tank with a green leaf on it.

    When most people think about small engines running on propane they automatically think of commercial lawn mowers or a generator and yes, those two are the most common uses. However, any carbureted 4 stroke small engine can be converted to propane. There are two ways to do this.

    1. The Adapter Method: An adapter plate will go either in front or behind the carburetor. With this method you can usually make this a dual duel conversion since you do not have to alter the carburetor.
    2. The Spud-In Method: Remove either the gasoline tank or the gasoline bowl that supplies gas to the carburetor. Then, drill to the center of the carburetor and tap new threads into it. Then, screw the spud into it. With this method the carburetor has to be altered and cannot be put back into gasoline service.

    Finally, here’s a list of different equipment that can be converted into propane powered green machines.


    • ATV/Off-Road vehicles
    • Backpack blowers
    • Trenching equipment
    • Generators
    • Golf carts/ utility vehicles
    • Go carts
    • Ice augers
    • Lawn tractors
    • Lawn vacuums
    • Leaf blowers
    • Log splitters
    • Lot blowers
    • Snow blower
    • Push mowers
    • Water pumps
    • Pressure washers
    • Weed trimmers
    • Wood chipper
    • Commercial mowers
    • Welding Equipment

    The list can go on and on but I think I’ll stop it here. As you can see, many machines can be made green. Think outside the box and turn opportunities into possibilities.

    Salesman Doug Rowan

    Doug Rowan

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